You're Getting Sleepy: Podcast Recommendations

You're Getting Sleepy💤: Podcast Recommendations

Five podcast episodes on a theme, each week curated by a different person

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You're Getting Sleepy💤: Podcast Recommendations

CuratorChris Mancini (he/him), creator of The Quiet Journeys of Professor Atwood

Why did you choose this theme?

Sometimes you just want to relax, wind down, and get out of your own head. Maybe you want to sleep, maybe you don't. Maybe you just want a calming story to lower anxiety and reduce stress without constantly being told how to breathe. These are some podcasts that do just that.

PODCAST PICKS:Click on the podcast art to listen 👂

The Quiet Journeys of Professor AtwoodThe Christmas ConundrumThe Quiet Journeys of Professor Atwood is a hybrid relaxation/storytelling/comedy/science/adventure podcast where scientist and explorer Jonathan Peter Atwood tells stories about his adventures all over the world and beyond. Music, ambient sounds, and sound effects all combine with Jonathan's narration to help you chill. This episode is a good entry point listen where Professor Atwood solves a problem with a missing Christmas Star that powers the town. It also features original Christmas music by Ron Tanski.

Nothing Much HappensClosing Up ShopNothing Much Happens is a soothing listen where you get the story read twice to really get out of your head. Yoga and meditation teacher Kathryn Nicolai tells a bedtime story where nothing much happens to help you relax and sleep peacefully. I personally feel that there is nothing more soothing or comforting than being in a bookstore, which is where this episode takes place. 

Sleep With MeNorth Pole Park Train TourThe granddaddy of sleep podcasts, Sleep With Me features the delightfully placid tones of Drew Ackerman, who hits all the right notes to help you chill and go to sleep. While there are all sorts of TV and movie tie ins with his episodes, the surreal and silly worlds he creates are great. This episode is about a theme park in the North Pole and is a great listen for around Christmas-time. 

Welcome to Night ValeA Story About YouWelcome to Night Vale is where you can tune in to twice-monthly community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, where every conspiracy theory is true. Sure, it can be creepy and weird, but the narration is so soothing and the music is so pitch perfect you'll find yourself be lulled into a relaxing meditative state. The world building is amazing, and while you can start anywhere, there's something extra special about this episode.

Get SleepyFlying Over MarsGet Sleepy takes you everywhere from a night carnival to a pirate ship, but this episode, about a trip to outer space, is a stand-out. As a board gamer, EarBuds curator Chris Mancini also likes to play Terraforming Mars, so this episode checks both boxes. The narrator's voice is comforting and he sounds like he's a veteran Mars tour guide as you learn all about terraforming and slowly drift off to sleep.


The Great Pop Culture DebateLove the holiday season? The Great Pop Culture Debate podcast sure does! Get into the seasonal spirit with their collection of holiday-themed episodes and curated holiday-music playlists.Episodes include Best Classic Holiday Song (1940s-1979), Best Holiday Pop Song (1980-2020), Best Holiday TV Special, Best Holiday Movie, and — new for 2022 — Best Holiday Episode of a TV Series. It's Festivus for the rest of us!

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This week on our podcast...(Click on Chris to listen)Chris is sharing podcasts that'll make you relax, wind down, or fall asleep. He's on the show this week to tell us about his recommendations. ALSO: We've got a voice clip from one of the co-hosts of this week's Spotlight pick, Undetermined, a podcast about the death of Jessica E. Durning and the search for answers.Subscribe


🎤This week in Podcast The Newsletter: Iranian women have been banned from Iran’s national soccer stadium Azadi (a word that means “freedom”) for 40 years. In four pieces, 30 for 30's Pink Card tells a multi-perspective story of the revolution that started it all, to the recent protests that erupted after the death of Mahsa Amini. 🎧On The Blog: Our EarBuds creator Arielle Nissenblatt has posted a list of her 25 favorite podcast episodes of the year. Read it here.🎙️NPR's 2023 Student Podcast Challenge will be open for submissions on January 6, 2023! Students from around the country are invited to create a podcast and compete for a chance to have your work featured on NPR. Students from 5th grade through college are eligible to participate, but the rules vary depending on your grade. 🎁The holiday season is upon us, but not everyone is being good. In Live, Laugh, Larceny's holiday themed episode "The Pettiest Season,'" we find that crime takes no holiday. Join the crew as they share their personal naughty lists, tell a true crime story in the style of Dr. Seuss, and debut a brand new parody song that will be sure to get you in the petty spirit!

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💼Join Eman Ismail in her podcast, Mistakes That Made Me, as she chats to some of the smartest minds in business about how to push through failure and accept it as a necessary part of building a business. It turns out: your biggest business mistake often leads to your biggest lessons.

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From Tenderfoot TV and Resonate Recordings,


uncovers the case of 42-year-old Jessica Easterly Durning, who went missing from her New Orleans home in 2019. 


dives into why, more than three years later, Durning’s death is still “undetermined” —  a term coroners use to describe the cause or manner of death when there’s insufficient evidence to give it a more specific classification — despite evidence of serious injuries to her body and numerous distressed calls made to her best friend saying that she wanted to leave her house she shared with her husband.


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