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TEST EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Mad Scientist Playlist*
TEST EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Mad Scientist Playlist*
5 podcast episodes according to a theme!

EarBuds Podcast Collective: *Mad Scientist Playlist*
5 podcast episodes according to a theme, curated by a different person each week!
May 1 - 5, 2017
Dear EarBuds,
This week, we truly dove into the magic of podcast-dedicated Facebook groups. If you love everything about podcasts and want to be more involved in discussion-related endeavors, check out
fan? Scroll to the bottom for a sweet announcement/opportunity.
This Week in Pod
Download RadioPublic's app to view and listen to the list or click the links below to enjoy this week's listening list. New to EarBuds? Scroll to the bottom of this email for a quick explanation of how it works/who we are. PODCAST LEAD'S NAME: Chris Cogswell, host of the Mad Scientist Podcast!THEME OF THE WEEK: Mad Scientist PlaylistWHY THIS THEME?: I chose this theme because it shows off a really interesting mix of these two genres that make up the background for my own podcasting interests!MONDAY EPISODE (5/1): Astonishing Legends - Mothman Part I - 88 minutesTUESDAY EPISODE (5/2): Pints and Puzzles - The Kecksburg Crash - 23 minutesWEDNESDAY EPISODE (5/3): Science Magazine - Where Dog Breeds Come From... - 25 minutesTHURSDAY EPISODE (5/4): The Conspirators - The Stain - 26 minutesFRIDAY EPISODE (5/5): The Eastern Border - Gulags: USSR Punishment - 75 minutesGET IN TOUCH: Email: [email protected], Twitter, Insta.SHAMELESS PROMO: If you enjoy these shows, check out the Mad Scientist Podcast, part of the Dark Myths Collective.CROWD SOURCING QUESTION: What sort of science do you want to learn more about but haven’t heard a podcast on yet?HASHTAG FOR DISCUSSION: #EarBudsMadScience
Here's how EarBuds works: Each week, a theme is chosen by one of our Podcast Leads. That Lead finds 5 podcast episodes (from anywhere!) to go along with that theme. I send these emails out on Sunday nights and the idea is to listen to one episode on each day of the week, Monday through Friday. Totally up to you how much or how little you listen -- but keep in mind: this is an exercise in expanding perspectives. You can listen to these podcasts by clicking on the links above, through the RadioPublic app, or you can find (most of) them on your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Stitcher, Overcast...)
May 12
Theatre at the Ace Hotel - Los Angeles
Radiotopia Live is coming! The show brings extraordinary, cutting-edge podcasts out of your headphones and onto the stage. The performances will feature live radio, conversations, stories, and music from top podcasts
(with Jon Mooallem and the Brink Players),
, and
. Plus an exclusive performance from
. Get your tickets before they sell out at
VIP experience tickets are also available, your exclusive chance to meet the hosts backstage:
P.S. if you're in LA and want a ticket, I have an extra, fo' free. The first person to email me gets it!