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Story Behind the Story
Journalism Podcasts: the story behind the story

Story Behind the Story

Curated by...Mark Simon (he/him)Why did you choose this theme?In every area of my life, I find myself fascinated by "the story behind the story."But that's a vague phrase — there are so many ways to learn the story behind the story, and I thought I'd use this theme to illustrate them.
PODCAST PICKS:Click on the podcast art to listen 👂

Rachel Maddow Presents: Déjà NewsFlorida's First War on WokeHistory Repeating: Rachel Maddow and Isaac-Davy Aronson tell the story of how Florida lawmakers went after the NAACP, suspected communists, and gay people in the 1950s and 1960s. The story behind the story is the eeriness of history that is repeating itself in the present day.

KILLEDThe QuarterbackHost Justine Harman explores stories that get killed before going to print or the airwaves.In this episode, she tells the story of how Glamour "punted" a story about a Black football player being mysteriously cut by an NFL team — with the suspected reason being he had a white girlfriend.

Local News Matters
Flourishing when everything’s against you: Serving border communities with Maritza Félix of Conecta Arizona
Journalist Maritza Félix explains how she created Conecta Arizona, a way of using WhatsApp to communicate news to people on both sides of the U.S./Mexico border. The story behind the story here is the challenge of getting the story out there.

LongformMitchell S. JacksonMitchell S. Jackson won a Pulitzer Prize for his profile of Ahmaud Arbery in Runner's World. But he did it in a way that you didn't see in most news stories.Jackson's profile tells the story of both Arbery the person, and how running fails Black America. The story behind the story is why he told the story in a different way.

The Journalism SaluteEm Espey, Education Reporter, Moco360This is EarBuds curator Mark's interview with education reporter, Em Espey. Em is transgender and has been covering an ongoing story in Montgomery County, Maryland about parents trying to opt their children out of an LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum.Mark learned a lot from their recounting of what covering that story has been like — and also gained insight into the importance of covering stories of trans joy. Em has an amazing backstory about going from transcribing court proceedings to becoming a journalist. There's so much story behind the story in this episode.

The first Brand Podcast Virtual Summit organized by Lower Street will be hosted on January 24. This event brings business thought leaders and podcasting experts together to give you all the tools you need to make your brand podcast a success.Presentations include:
How to Understand - and then Reach - Your Target Listeners, by Rand Fishkin
How to Grow Your Podcast: Paid and Free Strategies to Find New Followers, by Hannah Southern & Shannon Martin
AI and Podcasting: The Tools and Tactics to Improve Your Podcast Workflows (Speakers announced soon)
The summit is free and open to all. All registered participants will get the chance to win a microphone and a pair of headphones worth $500!
🎤This week in Podcast The Newsletter: Lauren Passell writes: "One of my favorite shows of all time, Imaginary Advice, has been dormant for awhile because…Ross had a baby! My spirits LIFTED when I saw a new episode in the feed.
🎙️All episodes of the limited fiction series Wyrd Woman are now available. From author Amy Lee Lillard, the show combines literary fiction with audio drama for something certifiably weird.
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PODCAST NEWS from Podnews:
Half of U.S. podcast listeners say they would like to watch a TV show based on their favorite podcast and have discovered new TV shows by listening to podcasts. The data is part of a survey by Hub Entertainment Research, which suggests that TV networks should take podcasts seriously as a marketing and audience-growth medium.
In August, Podnews covered a report that podcasts from Black creators were being unfairly marked as not brand-safe. Here is news of a partnership between brand suitability and safety company Barometer and the ALIVE Podcast Network, which has analyzed its content using Barometer’s contextual analysis engine to discover high brand-suitability standards, enabling better monetization.
Making a factual or documentary podcast? The Whickers are open for entry: the deadline is February 25, 2024.

Trailer Park: The Podcast Trailer PodcastSeason 2 has officially pulled up and opened its sunroof to some more podcast trailers. On this show, hosts Arielle Nissenblatt and Tim Villegas hit play on a podcast trailer and then analyze it; what worked, what didn't, what did the creators get right, and what did they miss? Then, we hear from the maker(s) of that episode’s trailer for some more context on their creative thinking.The goal of Trailer Park is to expose sonic creators to examples of short audio teasers to help better their game, and to help podcast listeners find their next favorite show.
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