The latest and greatest in podcasts for kids

Here are some podcasts to entertain the kids (and maybe the whole family)

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Podcast artwork for Grim, Grimmer, Grimmest, Disney Frozen: Forces of Nature, Snoop and Sniffy: Dog Detective Stories for Kids, Koala Moon Bedtimes Stories, and Girl Tales

Curated by:

👉🏽 Andi Smiley (she/her), founder of the Friendly Podcast Guide

Why this theme?

👉🏽As a mom myself, I use kids podcasts daily to help my day go smoother. I use them while driving to cut down on whining. Or when I just need a break, I'll grab an easy activity like coloring pages or Magnatiles, turn on a kids podcast, and my kids will be entertained for at least 30 glorious minutes.

Podcast Picks

Grim, Grimmer, Grimmest podcast cover art

Grim, Grimmer, Grimmest

Andi’s favorite part about this podcast is that each episode is rated for how scary it is. This episode is rated “grimm” (or not too scary). It’s a fantastical story about a selfish princess, a talking stove, and a sprawling adventure!

Disney Frozen podcast cover art

Disney Frozen: Forces of Nature

This is the first episode in a 12-part series where we follow Elsa, Anna, and all of the other beloved Frozen characters on another adventure that takes place after the events of Frozen 2. In this episode, we are reintroduced to our favorite Frozen friends, meet some new visitors to Arendelle, and learn about the law of thermodynamics.

Snoop and Sniffy podcast cover art

Snoop and Sniffy: Dog Detective Stories for Kids

Snoop and Sniffy are two lovable dogs who solve cases in the small town of Pflugerville. (They are very reminiscent of Sherlock and Watson!) In this episode, they try to solve the mystery of who destroyed their friend Loraine’s garden.

Koala Moon podcast cover art

Koala Moon

Koala Moon is a sleep podcast for kids. This type of podcast has been a game changer for bedtime at EarBuds curator Andi’s house because the stories are engaging, but will still help your kids fall asleep. This episode follows Potato and Beans as they travel to the wild west to a saloon owned by two cats named Chilli and Biscuit.

Girl Tales podcast cover art

Girl Tales

Girl Tales is a podcast featuring reimagined fairy tales. The girls in these stories take control of their own destinies and turn beloved fairy tales into fun new adventures. In this episode, the mail person finds out why the neighborhood goats send daily letters to each other even though they only live two houses from each other.


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🎙️This is Propaganda is the podcast about the truth behind marketing: it’s propaganda. But is propaganda always a bad word? Co-hosts Josh and Malcolm from BRINK media group challenge the marketing profession’s delusions about the origins, techniques, and cultural impact of the work we do.

📧Half Baked is the world’s #1 business idea newsletter. Get an original business idea delivered straight to your inbox daily. Join +10,000 others with hundreds of ★★★★ star reviews. Sign up with one click and get 5 ideas instantly.

 🚜Welcome to Discover Ag, the podcast where agriculture meets pop culture. Discover Ag redefines how we think and talk about food. Every Thursday, your hosts go beyond the headlines and dish up the details on that week's top 3 trending articles in food news.

👩🏽‍💻From the construction of virtual realities to the internet of things to the watches on our wrists — technology's influence is everywhere. Listen to TED Tech as TED speakers explore the way tech shapes how we think about society, science, design, business, and more.

[Werking Title]* with Eliza Lambert

Featuring conversations with audio creators

*Yes, that’s the real title, not a placeholder. It’s edgy!

Podcast news from Podnews


Ransom: Postition of Trust podcast cover art

In September 1995, twelve-year-old McKay Everett disappeared from his Texas home. His father Carl returned from an Amway meeting to find the back door ajar and the telephone ringing. On the line, a woman with a raspy voice demanded $500,000.

The FBI uncovered a series of crimes that started long before McKay was taken, but most shocking of all was the suspect. McKay had been betrayed by someone he trusted. Ransom: Position of Trust is a nine-part story of greed and betrayal and how one's outward appearance can be dangerously deceiving.

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