Canadian Black History & Futures

Canadian Black History & Futures

Five podcast episodes on a theme, each week curated by a different person

Canadian Black History & Futures

CuratorDaniella Barreto (she/her)

Why did you choose this theme?

Black people are often written out of the story of Canada. But we have existed and will continue to exist, making a huge impact. I host and produce Amnesty International Canada’s new podcast on how the history of Black people in these lands has been impacted by surveillance and policing and how we can birth new, better futures!

PODCAST PICKS:Click on the podcast art to listen 👂

Rights Back At YouStreet Surveillance and the War on Drugs

This episode is from Amnesty International Canada's brand new human rights podcast! What does the future of harm reduction look like for communities that are already overpoliced and surveilled? In Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, we connect with overdose prevention activist Hugh Lampkin, investigate how drug criminalization impacts Black people in Canada, and visit the MySafe machine — a palm-scanning smart vending machine for drugs.

Africville ForeverThriveIf you care about racism, displaced peoples, and social justice then you need to know the story of Africville Forever. The people still feel the joy of Africville in Nova Scotia generations later. Hear about the memories of elders from Africville, trailblazing Black hockey players, and the enduring strength of community despite systemic racism in Canada.

Strong and FreeJohn Ware: The Legend of Canada's "First" Black Cowboy

John Ware was a man who could tame wild horses and, apparently, once walked across the backs of his cattle to help a ranch hand in need. He was considered the toughest of all the cowboys! He was also Black. This episode gets into the deep, long roots of Black people in the Prairies, who built communities and had a hand in building the Prairie culture of our nation. 

SeenTransformative Justice for Self Black History Month is also about taking time for our relationships with ourselves and learning how we can be more gentle with ourselves in a society built on a culture of white supremacy. Hosts Nic and Lala discuss how their lives and their relationships with themselves have changed, and explore the concept of “transformative justice for self.”

The Secret Life of CanadaCrash Course on Nora's Place in Hogan's AlleyWhen vaudeville performer Nora Hendrix ended up in Vancouver in the early 1900s, she became a fixture in Hogan's Alley, the neighborhood at the center of Vancouver's Black community. By the time she died at 100 years old in 1984, she had led the community and raised a large family. This included her grandson who would live with her in Hogan’s Alley from time to time — his name was Jimi Hendrix. 


On Air FestOn Air Fest is the premier cultural event for audio creatives and inspired listeners. It brings together an expansive range of emerging and established voices to explore the creative possibilities of sound. On Air Fest carves a place for artists and storytellers who are defining this moment in audio. On Air Fest runs from Feb 23-26.Get your tickets here.

OBSIDIANOBSIDIAN is a speculative fiction podcast based in Afrofuturism. Each episode tells a story that sits at the crossroads of Blackness, technology, & science.The team is formed by the creative science duo Adetola Abdulkadir, a writer and Genomic Analyst at Personal Genome Diagnostics (PGDx), and Safiyah Cheatam, an interdisciplinary artist and MFA candidate at UMBC.


This week on our podcast...Daniella is on the show to share podcast recommendations about Canadian Black history. These podcasts include Black people in Canada's historical narrative, where they have often been left out.PLUS: We'll tell you about this week's Spotlight pick, Sound Judgement, an audio series that goes behind the scenes with today's great hosts and dives into their creative processes. Subscribe


🎤This week in Podcast The Newsletter: Lauren Passell interviewed the hosts of All Fantasy Everything. Read it here. 📖Strong Sense of Place is a bi-weekly show for book lovers who are curious about the world and travelers who love to read. Our new, fifth season starts on February 6 with an episode about Spain — partially because Conde Nast Traveler, Vogue, and Architectural Digest all named Spain one of the best places to visit in 2023, but mostly because our show is a great way to beat the winter blahs. Listeners can daydream about sunny Spain and plan a future vacation!👪🏾The theme of 2023’s Black History Month is “Black Resistance,” so each week, Project Parenthood host, Dr. Nanika Coor, will be interviewing Black mental health experts and teaching listeners how to raise kids with a healthy racial identity and an interest in racial justice. In every episode of Project Parenthood, Dr. Coor defies our society’s focus on the white mother as the default and instead spotlights the perspectives of Black parents, the lived experiences of Black children, and the expertise of Black therapists.

✨Send your updates for us to include in our Community section. Submit!


🏠Going for Broke is a co-production of PRX’s To the Best of Our Knowledge at Wisconsin Public Radio and the Economic Hardship Reporting Project. The three-part series centers on Americans who have lived on the edge. They share their sometimes startling economic experiences and also insight into our society as a whole. In each episode we ask: what would result if we put more care into how we dealt with housing or mental health crises or our workplaces? 💫In Where The Stars Fell, the antichrist and her guardian angel find themselves sharing a cabin in the strangest town in America — Jerusalem, Oregon. If they can’t find a way to work together soon, the rapture is set to take first the town, then the world… but neither of them know that yet. 🎧Oooh, Those Effin' C-Words... change and confidence. Two words that are so scary they may as well be curse words! On this podcast we talk about loss and grief, hardship and starting over, making professional pivots, and ending relationships and friendships. These are real stories from interviews and 1:1 coaching sessions with Marceia Cork, The Change Coach! — pushing us to become the solution instead of waiting for one, and having the confidence to navigate change.


Sound Judgement What does it take to become a beloved podcast host?Sound Judgment goes behind the scenes with today's great hosts to learn how they make their audio storytelling magic. We feature magnetic hosts like Snap Judgement's Glynn Washington, Last Day's Stephanie Wittels Wachs, and Anne Bogel of What Should I Read Next?Together, we examine their creative choices by pulling apart one episode at a time. Earworthy calls it a "masterclass in podcasting." 


PODCAST NEWS from Podnews

EarBuds founder Arielle Nissenblatt here👋I'm launching a podcast this week with my friend Tim Villegas. It's called Trailer Park: The Podcast Trailer Podcast and it focuses on the art of the audio teaser. You can learn more and submit a trailer for consideration here. 

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